Leather Interior

Stop buying all the newfangled Leather stuff for your interior!

True leather in a car would be a nightmare due to UV and stains. You do not have leather in your car. You have “finished/coated” leather with a thin layer of plastic to protect the leather, even the 3LT. Contrary to what some say, it’s a tough coating and you can’t “rub it off”. See the article by 303 Here:
So what do you do? Just use a good cleaner/protectant that works for everything; dash seats, doors – everything! Aerospace 303 is one, I use Poorboy’s Natural Look, as it’s a matte finish and just makes your interior look like it is brand new, not shiny.
Apply with the 2nd microfiber brick that came with your blackfire crystal seal, wipe off with a Microfiber after 5 min or so. Do not rinse/clean the brick, put the applicator in a zip lock when done for next time. About every 60 days is good. If your interior is very dirty, what to use first? What else? My favorite product: Duragloss Rinseless in a spray bottle! 2 oz/rest water
Natural Look:
Duragloss Rinseless:
Remember with everything, spray your applicator/Microfiber, not the surface…