Car detailing tips by Glen
Do I need a buffer?
I get this a lot. People ask, “do I have to use a buffer?... because I’m afraid
I’m going to scratch the paint”...
In short, you can do it by hand, but your gloss and your durability goes
up 30 to 50% if use a buffer on the polish stage.
First of all, it is not a “buffer”.... it is a polisher do not buy
anything anymore as a buffer buff by hand. They used to use
“buffers” to get off the huge white haze that baked on, when they used
normal waxes. That’s all gone away with the new polishes and the new
sealants, they just wipe off, so you don’t need a buffer. Things today are
so much easier if you are willing to learn.
What you do need is a polisher,
because the hand cannot move at
1500 RPM
. You need a polisher to get the surface smooth, so that it
reflects light. Waxes and sealants aren’t where you get your gloss from,
it’s in the preparation stage which is where you use the polisher. We
also apply some sealants with a “polisher” with a soft pad, and now it a
It’s as simple as the way Mike Phillips describes in his video below and
realize that an orbital polisher cannot do any damage to your car
whatsoever. Set it on speed 3 for all uses we are doing here
best polisher:
the pads – white for the Polish and seal, blue for the wet diamond if you
are doing that step: